Issue 230530.1: Data Sharing Attribute

Author: Jakub Jelinek
Champion: Jakub Jelinek
Date submitted: 2023-05-30
Date revised: 2024-03-18
Date closed:
Type: Enhancement
Status: Open
DWARF Version: 6


OpenMP/OpenACC allows sharing, mapping or privatization of variables in OpenMP/OpenACC constructs. It can be useful to let the debugger know when variables are shared, mapped or privatized and which kind of privatization it is.

Dumb example:

void foo (int *g)
  int a = 42, b = 16, c, d, e = 16, f;
  #pragma omp parallel shared(a) firstprivate (b) private (c)
    c = 0;
    #pragma omp atomic
    #pragma omp for firstprivate (e) lastprivate (e) private (d)
    for (f = 0; f < 16; f++)
        d = b + c + f;
        g[d] = e;
        if (f == 15)
          e = 8;
  #pragma omp target map(tofrom: a)
    a += e;

Here, a is explicitly shared in the parallel region (all threads operate on the same variable), e is implicitly shared there, c is privatized (each thread gets a distinct copy of the variable, for e.g. C++ default constructed), b is firstprivatized (like privatization, but each copy is initialized from the original variable; for e.g. C++ copy constructed) and on the worksharing loop d is privatized (each thread on that construct only has a private copy) and e is also privatized, initialized from the original at the start and value from last iteration copied back. f is implicitly privatized in that loop. And in the offloading region a is explicitly mapped to the other device and value copied back at the end, while e is implicitly firstprivatized. Only firstprivate+lastprivate is allowed on the same variable in one construct, other data sharing states should be exclusive in the same OpenMP/OpenACC construct, though the same variable could be e.g. shared in outer parallel construct and then privatized in inner task construct.

Proposed Changes

Add in Table 2.2:

DW_AT_data_sharing   Data sharing or mapping (OpenMP or OpenACC)

Insert before 2.11 Artificial Entries and renumber:

2.11 Data Sharing or Mapping of Declarations

OpenMP or OpenACC allow privatization, sharing or mapping of declarations or their parts inside the body of certain constructs.

The data sharing attribute or mapping of a declaration is represented by DW_AT_data_sharing attribute on a local copy of the declaration's debugging information entry, whose value is a bitwise or of constants drawn from the set of codes listed in Table 2.XX.

Table 2.XX Data sharing or mapping attributes


DW_DATASHARING_implicit is bitwise ORed into the value if the data sharing or mapping has been determined implicitly (predetermined or implicitly determined) and should be clear if it has been specified explicitly.

If bits from DW_DATASHARING_lo_user to DW_DATASHARING_hi_user are set, it is vendor-defined data sharing.

In section 7.1 Vendor Extensibility, add DW_DATASHARING, before DW_END in second paragraph.

In Table 7.5 add

DW_AT_data_sharing ‡    0x94    constant

Insert before 7.12 Source Languages and renumber:

7.12 Data Sharing Codes

The encodings of the constants used in the DW_AT_data_sharing attribute are given in Table 7.XX.

Table 7.XX: Data Sharing encodings

Data Sharing name               Value
DW_DATASHARING_none         0x00
DW_DATASHARING_shared       0x01
DW_DATASHARING_private      0x02
DW_DATASHARING_firstprivate 0x04
DW_DATASHARING_lastprivate  0x08
DW_DATASHARING_reduction    0x10
DW_DATASHARING_mapped       0x20
DW_DATASHARING_implicit     0x40
DW_DATASHARING_lo_user      0x100000
DW_DATASHARING_hi_user      0xfff00000

The value DW_DATASHARING_none is equivalent to the absence of the DW_AT_data_sharing attribute.

Appendix A.

Add DW_AT_data_sharing to DW_TAG_variable.

2024-03-18: Rename DW_AT_DATA_SHARING to DW_DATASHARING. Fixes in the Background section. Add vendor extensibility.