Issue 170503.1: Adding DW_LANG_Kotlin constant in DW_AT_laguage attribute

Author: Vasily Levchenko
Champion: Michael Eager
Date submitted: 2017-05-03
Date revised:
Date closed: 2021-03-14
Type: Enhancement
Status: Lang code assigned
DWARF Version: 6
Section 7.12, pg 231

On behalf of Kotlin team, I'm sending this request to add DW_LANG_Kotlin constant in 
DW_AT_laguage. We've released first technical preview of Kotlin Native based on llvm 
infrastructure (
For the next version we've finished basic dwarf generation already, and we need this constant 
for providing  better debugger support in future releases.

Proposed encoding:  DW_LANG_Kotlin  0x0026

03/14/21 -- Language code assigned