Issue 150726.1: Sign of special address type

Author: Michael Eager
Champion: Michael Eager
Date submitted: 2015-07-26
Date revised:
Date closed:
Type: Ambiguity
Status: Withdrawn
DWARF Version: 5
There are two conflicting description of "special address type".  

The first is in Section 2.5.1:

"... elements can have a special address type, which is an integral 
type that has the size of an address on the target machine and 
unspecified signedness."

The second is in Section

"If the type of the operands is the special address type, except 
as otherwise specified, the arithmetic operations perform addressing 
arithmetic, that is, unsigned arithmetic that is performed modulo 
one plus the largest representable address (for example, 0x100000000 
when the size of an address is 32 bits)."

This may be overly wordy (the last two lines are the definition of unsigned 
arthmetic), but they are definitive.


Replace text in 2.5.1 with

"... elements can have a special address type, which is an unsigned 
integral type that has the size of an address on the target machine."

Replace text in with 

"If the type of the operands is the special address type, except 
as otherwise specified, the arithmetic operations perform unsigned arithmetic."

6/21/2016 -- Withdrawn.  See issue 160620.1.