Issue 100421.1: DW_AT_linkage_name for DW_TAG_common_block

Author: Jakub Jelinek
Date submitted: 2010-04-21
Date revised:
Date closed:
Type: Clarification
Status: Accepted
DWARF Version: 4
Section 2.22, pg 41
Shouldn't DW_AT_linkage_name also be allowed on DW_TAG_common_block?

At least in all Fortran implementations I'm aware of a common block is implemented as 
an aggregate and a symbol table entry is present just for the whole common block, not for 
the variables in it (after all, the names of the variables in common block may differ between 
different sources or even just subroutines, only the name of the common block matters) and 
thus the children of DW_TAG_common_block won't have DW_AT_linkage_name.

This would mean adding DW_TAG_common_block to the list in 2.22, adding DW_AT_linkage_name 
to DW_TAG_common_block in Figure 42 on page 193 in Appendix A and mentioning in 4.2 on page 73 that 
DW_TAG_common_block may have a DW_AT_linkage_name attribute.