Issue 160714.1: Location List and Range List Sections Improvement/Enhancement

Author: Ron Brender
Champion: Ron Brender
Date submitted: 2016-07-14
Date revised:
Date closed:
Type: Improvement
Status: Accepted
DWARF Version: 5
Section Many, pg Many

This a replacement for the proposal in Issue 150607.1. It is closely 
related to and helps enable Proposal 160123.1 Revision 1.

This proposal results from review of proposal 150607.1 at the June 
2016 meeting and subsequent discussion with Cary Coutant. However, 
while it grows out of the same original concerns, it takes a different 
approach and extends the treatment of location and range list sections 
in new ways as suggested at that meeting. As a result it is being 
submitted as a new proposal. The original proposal 150607.1 is withdrawn.

The companion Proposal 160123.1 Revision 1 refers to Revision 1 of Issue 
150607.1. THIS is that revision, although it now has a new Issue number.
Hopefully, this will not result in confusion.

This proposal replaces the .debug_loc and .debug_ranges sections
with new sections .debug_loclists and .debug_rnglists (and
.debug_loclists.dwo and .debug_rnglists.dwo). These sections
are designed to work with the new location list and range list
entry formats defined in 160123.1 Revision 1.

Proposal Sketch

  1. Headers (of all four sections) consist of the
     following fields
      a) unit_length (initial_length)
      b) version (uhalf) = 5
      c) address_size (ubyte)
      d) segment_selector_size (ubyte)
     The above are the same as for .debug_loc/.debug_ranges in earlier
     drafts for V5 (Note that .debug_loc/.debug_ranges did not have 
     headers in V4.) This proposal adds:
      e) entry_offset_count (uword)
         The number of offsets, one for each entry, that immediately
         follow the header.

  2. Immediately following the header are entry_offset_oount offsets.
     Each offset is 4 bytes in size in the DWARF-32 format and 8 bytes 
     in the DWARF-64 format. The contents contained in the location of 
     the i-th offset is the offset from the base of the section (the
     location of the first offset following the header) to the beginning 
     of the i-th entry.
  3. Immediately following the entry offsets are the entries themselves.

  4. Entries are referenced by their index using the (new) form 
     DW_FORM_secx whose value is a ULEB unsigned integer. Given the
     operand value i, the location of the entry within the corresponding 
     section is determined as follows:
      a) Let BASE be the location of the first offset following the
         header. For a section in a split unit, this is the beginning
         of the section plus the size of the header. For a section
         in a non-split unit, this is the value given in the applicable
         DW_AT_loclists_base or DW_AT_rnglists_base attribute.
      b) Let SIZE be the size of an offset (4 in 32-bit and 8 in 64-bit
         format). Note that these will (MUST) be the same in both the
         referencing and referenced section.
      c) Then the location of the i-th offset is given by BASE+i*SIZE.
         The location of the i-th entry is given by BASE plus the contents 
         at that location, that is BASE + [BASE+i*SIZE].

     Note that the entry_offset_count is not needed to interpret
     form DW_FORM_secx. But it does provide a way for dumpers to determine
     the boundary between the offsets and entries.

  5. Form DW_FORM_secx is defined as the only member of the new loclistx
     and rnglistx classes (instead of DW_FORM_sec_offset). 
  6. Rename class rangelistptr to rnglistsptr. Note that the only form 
     contained in class rnglistsptr remains DW_FORM_sec_offset.
     Similarly, rename class loclistptr to loclistsptr. The only form
     contained in class loclistsptr remains DW_FORM_sec_offset.
  7. Rename DW_AT_ranges_base to DW_AT_rnglists_base for naming 
     consistency. The class remains rnglistsptr. 
     Note: DW_AT_ranges_base was new in V5 so there is no need to 
     preserve the code used for DW_AT_ranges_base to facilitate 
     backwards compatibility.
  8. Add DW_AT_loclists_base which is analogous to DW_AT_rnglists_base
     but for the .debug_loclists section. The value is of class 

  9. Change the class of the operand of all attributes that allow 
     loclistsptr except DW_AT_loclists_base to rnglistx.
  10. Change the class of the operand of all attributes that allow 
     rnglistsptr except DW_AT_rnglists_base to rnglistx.

These changes (together with Proposal 160123.1 Revision 1), let us:

  A. Extend the size benefits of the new location list representation
     in split units to non-split units as well.
  B. Extend the size benefits of location lists to range lists (in both 
     split and non-split contexts) in a manner consistent with location 
  C. Solve certain late optimization problems (both compilation and link-
     time) related to referencing location and range list entries in a 
     simple consistent manner.
  D. Get rid of the excessively complicated and contorted range 
     representation scheme used in V4 and before.

Page numbers are from the May 20, 2016 draft.
1. S7.28 & S7.29, P235 & P236 (parallel change in both):

Add bullet and new following text:

    5. offet_entry_count (uword)
       A 4-byte count of the number of offsets and entries
       that follow the header.

    Immediately following the header is an array of offsets.
    This array is followed by a series of [range|location] list
    There is one offset for each entry. The contents
    of the location for the i-th offset is the offset from the
    beginning of the offset array to the location of the i-th 
    list entry. 
In the following paragraph (L1067 in S7.28, L1092 in S7.29): replace
"This header" with "The array of offsets".

Replace the last paragraph (L1072-1073 in 7.28, L1097-1098 in S7.29) 

    The [DW_AT_rnglists_base|DW_AT_loclists_base] attribute points
    to the first offset following the header. The entries are referenced
    by the index of the position of their corresponding offset in the
    array of offsets, which indirectly specifies the offset to the
    target entry.    
2. S7.5.4, P209, L756: Insert immediately following the description of

      o loclistx

        This is an index into the .debug_loclists
        section. The unsigned ULEB operand identifies an offset location 
        relative to the base of that section (the location of the first offset 
        in the section, not the first byte of the section). The contents of 
        that location is then added to the base to determine the location of 
        the target list of entries.
3. S7.5.4, P209, L768-770: Delete the sentence that reads "If a 
DW_AT_ranges_base ... DW_AT_ranges_base.".
4.  S7.5.4, P210, L773: Insert imediately following the description of

      o rnglistx

        This is an index into the .debug_rnglists
        section. The unsigned ULEB operand identifies an offset location 
        relative to the base of that section (the location of the first offset 
        in the section, not the first byte of the section). The contents of 
        that location is then added to the base to determine the location of 
        the target list of entries.

5. In Table 7.5, P203-207:

5a) Rename DW_AT_range_base to DW_AT_rnglists_base.

5b) Replace all occurences of rangelistptr except for DW_AT_rnglists_base
    (namely for DW_AT_start_scope and DW_AT_ranges) with class rnglistx.

5c) Add (new) attribute DW_AT_loclists_base whose value is of class 

5d) Replace all occurences of loclistptr except for DW_AT_loclists_base
    (namely for DW_AT_location, DW_AT_string_length, DW_AT_return_addr,
    DW_AT_data_member_location, DW_AT_frame_base, DW_AT_segment, 
    DW_AT_static_link, DW_AT_use_location, and DW_AT_vtable_elem_location)
    with class loclistx.
6. In Table 2.2, P19:
6A) Insert new row:

    DW_AT_loclists_base     | Base offset for location lists

6B) Change DW_AT_ranges_base to DW_AT_rnglists_base.
7. In Table 2.3, P21-22: Add the following two new classes (in alphabetical 
   loclistx     Specifies a location list indirectly by use of an index.
   rnglistx     Specifies a range list indirectly by use of an index.

Also, rename rangelistptr to rnglistsptr.
8. S3.1.1, P63, L168-172: Replace bullet 15 with the following:

    15. A DW_AT_rnglists_base attribute, whose value is of class 
        rnglistsptr. This attribute points to the base of the compilation 
        unit’s contribution to the .debug_rnglists section. References 
        to range lists (using DW_FORM_secx) within the compilation 
        unit are interpreted relative to this base.
9. S3.1.1, P63, L172: Insert the following new bullet 16:

    16. A DW_AT_loclists_base attribute, whose value is of class 
        loclistsptr. This attribute points to the base of the compilation 
        unit’s contribution to the .debug_loclists section. References 
        to location lists (using DW_FORM_secx) within the compilation 
        unit are interpreted relative to this base.
10. S3.1.2, P65,  L214: Delete bullet 8.

Note that range lists can now be completedly contained in a split
unit which, like location lists, may reference addresses via the
DW_AT_addr_base attribute of the skeleton unit.
11. S7.3.2.2, P184, L167-170: Delete--just like location lists, this
is no longer a special case.
12. SF, Table F.1, P387: 
12A) For DW_AT_ranges: Remove check for skeleton units and add for spilt 
    full unit.
12B) For DW_AT_rnglists_base (was DW_AT_ranges_base): Remove check for
    skeleton unit.
13. SF.2.1, P391, L136: Delete
14. Sf.2.1, P391, Figure F.4: Delete DW_AT_ranges and DW_AT_ranges_base.

*** The above textual changes convey the heart of the proposal.
*** The following are remaining editorial cleanups.

15. S1.4, P8, L237: Insert new bullet:

      o Add new location list and range list representations that
        save space and processing time by eliminating most related
        object file relocations.
16. S1.4, P9, L273: After DW_FORM_ref_sup insert "DW_FORM_secx, ".
17. S2.6, P35, L503: Change "loclistptr (which serves as an offset" to 
"loclistx (which seres as an index".
18. S3.1.2, P65, L219: Delete ", DW_AT_range_base,".
19. S3.1.3, P65, L241: Replace ", DW_AT_addr_base and DW_AT_ranges_base"
    with " and DW_AT_addr_base".
20. S7.3.1, P182, L91-93: Delete discussion--no special case remains.
21. S7.4, P193, L443: Replace ".debug_loc and .debug_ranges" with
    ".debug_loclists and .debug_rnglists".
22. S7.3.1, P182, L102-104: Replace this bullet with:

      o Entries in the .debug_addr and .debug_aranges sections may contain 
        references to locations within the virtual address space of the 
        program, and thus require relocation.
      o Entries in the .debug_loclists and .debug_rnglists sections may
        contain references to locations within the virtual address space of the 
        program depending on whether certain kinds of location or range
        list entries are used, and thus require relocation.
23. S7.3.2.1, P183, L136: Replace .debug_ranges with .debug_rnglists.
24. S7.5.4, Table 7.5, P206: Add row immediately before DW_AT_lo_user:

    DW_AT_rnglists_base<ddag>   | loclistsptr
25. S7.5.4, Table 7.6, P213: 
25A) In the row for DW_FORM_sec_offset, change loclistptr to loclistsptr 
and rangelistptr to rnglistsptr.
25B) Add new row at the end as in

    DW_FORM_secx<ddag>   | loclistx, rnglistx
26. S7.28, P233, L1092: Change .debug_ranges to .debug_rnglists.
27. Appendix A: Change all occurences of DW_AT_ranges_base to 
DW_AT_rnglists_base except for DW_TAG_skeleton_unit from which it is
28. Appendix B: Rename...
29: Appendix F: Rename...
30. SF.1, P386, L95: Delete DW_AT_ranges_base.
31. SF.1, P386, L111-113: Delete bullet 4.


08/02/2016 - Accepted (requires 160123.1).