Issue 141212.1: DW_AT_export_symbols

Author: Michael Eager
Champion: Michael Eager
Date submitted: 2014-12-12
Date revised:
Date closed:
Type: Enhancement
Status: Accepted
DWARF Version: 5

Add DW_AT_export_symbols attribute to indicate that the symbols
defined within the current scope are to be exported into the enclosing

This proposal is an alternate to 141020.1.  


C++11 adds a new use for the keword "inline" as a modifier for
namespace, which exports the symbols defined within the namespace
into the enclosing scope.  From the proposed extension
Section 7.3.1:

  "Members of an inline namespace can be used in most respects as
  though they were members of the enclosing namespace."

This is similar to the use of anonymous structs in C/C++, where symbols 
within the interior struct are referenced as if they were defined 
in the enclosing structure.  

Example -- C++ inline namespace

namespace A {
  inline namespace B {   // (1) inline namespace
    int a;

void foo (void)
  using A::B::a;
  a = 1;

void bar (void)
  using A::a;
  a = 2;

<1> DW_TAG_namespace
      DW_AT_name        : A        
  <2> DW_TAG_namespace
        DW_AT_name        : B        
    <3> DW_TAG_variable)
          DW_AT_name        : a        

In this example, 'a' may be referenced either as a member of 
the fully qualified namespace A::B, or as if it were defined
in the enclosing namespace, A.

Example -- C/C++ anonymous structs

struct foo {
  int a;
  struct {
    int b;
} x;

void bar(void)
  struct foo t;
  t.a = 1;
  t.b = 2;

<1> DW_TAG_structure_type  
      DW_AT_name (foo)
  <2> DW_TAG_member
        DW_AT_name (a)
  <3> DW_TAG_structure_type
    <4> DW_TAG_member
          DW_AT_name (b)
In this example, 'b' is referenced as if it were defined in the 
enclosing struct 'foo'. 
Note:  GCC currently generates the following DWARF, with the nested
anonymous struct described as being at top-level, rather than within
struct foo, and with an unnamed member within struct foo with the
type of the anonymous struct.

<1> DW_TAG_structure_type
  <2> DW_TAG_member
        DW_AT_name (b)
<3> DW_TAG_structure_type
      DW_AT_name (foo)
  <4> DW_TAG_member
        DW_AT_name (a)
  <5> DW_TAG_member
        DW_AT_type <1>   

Document changes

Add to Table 2.2 (Attribute names)

  DW_AT_export_symbols  Namespace Entries
            Structure, Union and Class Type Entries

Add to end of 3.2.2 (Namespace Entries)

  A namespace may have a DW_AT_export_symbols attribute which indicates
  that all member names defined within the namespace may be referenced 
  as if they were defined within the containing namespace. 
  *This may be used to describe inline namespaces in C++.*

Add to end of 5.7.1 (Structure, Union and Class Type Entries)

  A structure, union, or class type may have a DW_AT_export_symbols
  attribute which indicates that all member names defined within 
  the structure, union, or class may be referenced as if they were
  defined within the containing structure, union, or class. 
  *This may be used to describe anonymous structs, etc., in C or C++.*

Add to Table 7.5 (Attribute encodings)

  DW_AT_export_symbols  0x89  flag

Modify Table A.1
  DW_TAG_class_type     -- Add DW_AT_export_symbols
  DW_TAG_namespace      -- Add DW_AT_export_symbols
  DW_TAG_structure_type -- Add DW_AT_export_symbols
  DW_TAG_union_type     -- Add DW_AT_export_symbols