Issue 040405.1: DW_AT_decl_file signedness

Author: David Anderson
Champion: Jason Molenda
Date submitted: 2004-04-05
Date revised:
Date closed:
Type: Editorial
Status: Accepted as modified
DWARF Version: 3
I think there is a bit of a clarity problem in the
DW_AT_decl_file definition.

 Sec 2.13, Declaration Coordinates
 just says 'integer'. But 2.13 references section 6.2,
 which explicitly says that the 'file' is an unsigned integer
 (see the "State Machine Registers", sec 6.2.2)

The "problem" being that the 'unsignedness' mentioned in 6.2.2
(dwarf3 version) is rather far afield from the 6.2 mention
in 2.13.  Some app writers have missed this and
thought the value was signed. Thus I'm mentioning it...

There is no mention of unsignedness in chapter 7 (just a listing
in a table as a 'constant')

Also mentioned in


Section 2.13 Declaration coordinates
paragraph changed to:

value of the DW_AT_decl_file attribute is an unsigned
number corresponding to a
file number from the line number information table for the
compilation unit containing the debugging information entry and
represents the source file in which the declaration appeared
(see Section 6.2). The value 0 indicates that no source file
has been specified.


Revised proposal:
  Change "integer constant" to "unsigned integer constant"
  in the second paragraph in 2.13.